Lesson 1: Welcome to the Mama's Wellness Cabinet Course
Welcome to what will be one of the best courses you have ever attended. Sound a little presumptuous? Just wait, friend. We have tips and tricks for you, but the best thing? We have a sense of peace. There is so much comfort that comes with having simple, effective tools for wellness for our families and little ones.
As parents and caregivers we desperately need tools in our toolbox, but how do we know if we’re doing it right? How do we know if we have the right ones and when to use them?
Judgment abounds, questions run rampant, answers seem difficult to find. We aren’t here as healthcare experts, but as fellow moms, parents, and caregivers who want the best for our families. We are here to give you things to consider, natural options for your family’s needs, and both ways to help stay above the wellness line and also deal with the inevitable bumps in the road.
The fact that you’re here in this class means you’re seeking out the best options and looking for answers to your family’s health needs so we applaud you.
You’re in the right place surrounded by people who care about their own families, as well as yours.
So let’s get started.
Lesson 2: How Young Can I Begin?
Wondering when you can start using oils on your little ones?
Anytime! We use oils from pregnancy to birth to all childhood and adult ages. Many of us have used Frankincense on our newborns at birth. The key is simply to use a tiny bit. For newborns, you can place one drop of oil in your hands, rub them together until no oil is visible, then rub your hands onto your baby’s feet, legs, arms, etc. The residue is enough for them!
Young Living’s oils and products are made for the whole family. There is something for everyone! The majority of people choose to dilute for children, diluting more for the youngest ages. Diluting slows down the process of the body metabolizing essential oils. The bigger fat molecules of a carrier oil slow down the absorption rate making your topical usage even more effective in some situations as your body has more time to use and process them.
We love to apply oils undiluted to the bottom of the feet, to the spine, and other areas depending on our needs, the age of the child, and the oils used! Remember that you're in control here, and you have the freedom to choose how to use your oils!
When diluting oils for topical use, you just need a carrier oil! Organic coconut oil is great for general topical use, and so is Young Living's V-6 carrier. It is a liquid, so you can use it to apply oils directly to the skin OR to make a roller blend!
We love roller blends, so we usually use 10mL roller bottles and add the oils we want, plus a liquid carrier. Easy peasy!!
Dilution Ratio Suggestions for Kids
You may want to dilute some oils more than others, and some can be used directly from the bottle. Fun fact: each oil has a suggested dilution ratio right on the bottle! You may have to peel the label back to find it.
- Age 0-1: dilute at 1/8 the labeled concentration
- Age 2-6: dilute at 1/4 the labeled concentration
- Age 7-11: dilute at 1/2 the labeled concentration
- Age 12+: full labeled concentration
KidScents Oils & Products
Ready for the easiest easy button? Young Living has an entire line of products and oils created for kids. (That doesn’t mean we don’t use them for ourselves too though!!). The pre-diluted oil blends and rollers in the KidScents oil line and other products are ready to go for ages 2+ and so easy to use.
Seedlings Line
Want an even more specific line for your newborns and babies? Say hello to Seedlings. This line has diaper cream, baby wash/shampoo, lotion, massage oil, baby wipes, and the dreamiest Calm blend that is specifically made with the tiniest members of your family in mind!
Diffusing is another great way to have your children experience oils, and it is so easy! We’ll talk more about that in a bit, but just know our diffusers are going 24/7/365 because they are so beneficial!
Lesson 3: Nourishing the Body
Let’s just jump right into the HARD STUFF. Feeding kids. Mamas, weI feel you. We ARE you. You desperately want to feed your kids the best and give them the things their bodies need. All the viewpoints are whirling and you’re dealing with food sensitivities, mom blogs, a pediatrician’s advice, and your own experiences growing up.
You want to feed your family well, but what about when they really don’t want to eat it? What about when your busy life is spiraling and your Pinterest meal planning superpowers are missing? What about the times when you’re just desperate for them to just get one good thing in their bodies?
Perfect meals rich in every key vitamin three times a day is an impossible goal. We do our best, but perfection isn’t what we should really pursue.
So what do we do?
We choose a few easy buttons. You know, the things that our kids can do easily, even when we're in a hurry, and they might even love! When we start our day with these supplements, we know that whatever else we may fit in or miss, we have these foundational blocks in place!
Nutritional Easy Buttons for Families
- NingXia Red: 1-2 oz per day of this antioxidant-packed, nutrient-rich, whole-food supplement means that little bodies have gotten in body and brain building blocks it would take pounds of produce to achieve. In our families, everyone 2 years and up pulls out their NingXia Red each day knowing that we feel our best when we're nourished well! Bonus points: this one supplement is clinically proven to improve sleep, physical and emotional stress, and brain power!
- KidScents MightyVites: chewable multivitamin tablets that are a tasty, effective way to provide children the full spectrum of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients necessary for healthy development. (For the teens in the family, they can move on to our whole-food multivitamin supplement, Master Formula.)
- KidScents MightyZyme: an all-natural, vegetarian chewable tablet designed to help children combat the negative effects of enzyme depletion and address each of the digestive needs of growing bodies. Digestion support is key so that even when you're eating great foods, you're actually getting all of the benefits!
A few other food tips from seasoned mamas…
- Exposing and re-exposing kids to good food is crucial. They probably won’t accept it the first, second, or even third time. But after several times, they begin to enjoy the taste. Ex: When they’re really hungry before meals, put out sliced cucumber, red bell pepper, carrots, etc. Keep doing it and eventually, that bowl will be empty!
- Kids want to see YOU eating. So if your diet is rich in vegetables, good fats, and lots of water, odds are much higher that they will begin to want what the adults in their lives like to eat and drink. A huge responsibility but an influence that we can easily control.
- Help your kids connect how they feel with what they eat. This is a HUGE discipline. We can choose to make exceptions in our diets, but if we know that the high sugar, dyed, processed foods make it harder for us to think or hurt our stomachs, we are going to choose that much less often.
Lesson 4: Nurturing the Emotions
Every day our kids are having new experiences and learning new things. That is a lot of emotional processing! When kids or teens are struggling to verbalize and process how they are treated by others, what they are learning, or what they need, some of the best habits we can create are those that provide them a safe place to share, be heard, and process their emotions in a healthy way.
Asking, “How does that make you feel?” helps kids to realize that it’s okay to feel. That they aren’t required to only feel a certain way, and that it is healthy to communicate what they are feeling.
They don’t need to see your perfection. They need to see you learning. Seeing you show vulnerability, ask forgiveness, and say that you were wrong teaches them some of the biggest emotional health lessons of all. Seeing you reach for support teaches them the healthy ways to seek out comfort instead of thinking they’re broken for needing help.
Essential oils can play a key role in this process. The sense of smell is our only sense that bypasses our conscious “regulation” interception and moves straight to the cortex of the brain to go to work.
Smell can send messages to the body about well-being, memories, or danger without requiring us to figure it out first. This is perfect for kids (and for us!)! Specific essential oil components like sesquiterpenes can help the brain delete bad information in cellular memory.
Simply put, essential oils can work with the brain to clear pathways, move out unwanted sludge, and release creativity and joy.
Here are some favorite oils and blends we use in our home! We often use very simply by diluting if needed for the child and apply to the bottoms of the feet for easy absorption into the body, applying down the spine, or breathing from the palms. Also, these are perfect for Mom too, becauses we need ALL the emotional support for this hardest, best job in the world!
Peace & Calming
This blend of Tangerine, Orange, Ylang Ylang, Patchouli, and Blue Tansy will surely become a favorite in your family to relax the body and calm emotions. This oil can signal overtired and overworked body systems that it is a safe space to release stress and invite in a sense of calm. It is affectionately known as the ‘Tantrum Tamer’ and is also one of our favorites for supporting sweet, restful sleep!
Valor is our oil for balance, bravery, and stress. It blends Frankincense, Black Spruce, Blue Tansy, Camphor Wood, and Geranium and basically smells incredible. It has Blue Tansy, which is wonderful for calming the fight/flight/freeze response!
Stress Away
Stress Away is a vacation in a bottle. A unique combination of Lime and Vanilla that is the perfect blend of tropical and citrus. Such a sweet and delicious-smelling way to breathe deeply, calm overwhelming emotions, and achieve a happy and positive attitude!
This household staple oil has an earthy, uplifting aroma that’s perfect for grounding and connectedness. Create a safe and comforting environment when you diffuse or inhale this empowering oil—a perfect opportunity to collect scattered thoughts and process a busy day.
Lesson 5: Your Skin as the Window to Your Health
Your skin is a peek into your body. Like a window. Sometimes it is clear and clean showing that under the surface is a well-functioning machine. But sometimes it is a volcanic eruption of discomfort and problems. This shows us that underneath that surface the skin is crying for help.
Younger and younger we see even our babies and children crying out for better skin choices. They need us to remove the toxins invading them, help to support their guts with proper nutrition, and to find alternatives that work WITH their bodies instead of against them when we begin to see signs that all is not well.
Help with eczema is one of the most frequently asked questions. And while eczema can be multi-layered and somewhat specific to each person, there are definitely lots of things you can do to handle this naturally!
Even if eczema isn’t the issue, any type of skin need can be helped with these tools.
All Things Skin Toolbox
- Look at diet -- for some children wheat, dairy, and processed foods can cause inflammation that shows up as skin issues (not belly issues!) so consider an elimination diet.
- Make sure of hydration -- clean water is essential! Proper hydration is key for so many pieces of health, including skin. Adding minerals through NingXia Red and KidScents MightyVites will help here too!
- Supplements -- We cannot sing the praises of NingXia Red enough. Add this to your kiddo’s routine. Also add in SulfurZyme powder for any skin needs and KidScents Mighty Pro for a high quality, diverse probiotic. Mix both SulfurZyme and MightyPro into NingXia Red for an easy button.
- Topical help -- Young Living’s Rose Ointment is a mainstay in our first aid kits for all things skin related. Use it to dilute a few drops of Melrose or Purification essential oil and apply to the skin.
Lesson 6: Finding Focus
Little minds are creative, excited, and almost always jumping from one new experience to the next. And that’s what we want!
But what about the times when they do need to hone in on a book, a lesson, or something a teacher is saying? Oils can be your BEST FRIEND when it comes to helping kids gather their scattered thoughts (and yours too!)
Hopefully you have a diffuser wherever your kids are doing school work or trying to sleep or read. Little whispers and smells can do so much to send their brain pathways in the right direction, rerouting them back to what they are trying to learn instead of going too far off down little rabbit pathways.
Diffuser Bracelets and Necklaces
These fun, kid and teen-friendly, easy to wear bracelets, or any other diffuser bracelet can make it easy to wear a favorite focus blend. Comforting and familiar in a new situation, your kids will have oils and smells that connect them to home wherever they go and can casually smell their bracelets or necklaces, learning self-discipline and how to take active steps to get control in overwhelming, stimulating scenarios.
Some of our favorite essential oils for focus
- Lemon - uplifting and cheery, studied for its positive effects on memory retention.
- Peppermint - awakens the senses, stimulates the brain, and puts a pep in the step!
- GeneYus - an excellent pre-diluted blend formulated especially for children and perfect to diffuse for young minds that need support as they focus and create. Containing oils like Sacred frankincense, cedarwood, Myrrh, and Vetiver, this blend is a heavy heater for school days at any age. It’s also great applied to the back of the neck!
- Vetiver - an earthy oil that has been studied for helping little brains to gather and focus!
Lesson 7: Feeding the Brain
Ever have trouble making decisions or just feel grumpy after a huge carb load or a weekend of less than stellar foods? It is highly possible that you were simply undernourished or hungry… and your brain was suffering!
Studies have been done that show many of us are actually starving our brains. Despite an abundance of food, unless we are carefully maintaining a balanced diet with good, high quality fats and proteins, the brain is left running on fumes resulting in brain fog, scattered focus, and an inability to learn easily.
And even when we have that balance that is key, each individual is so different and our environments play such a huge role, that we need a little boost to help us out.
Mamas have to tell other mamas about the easy and simple tricks we use to get solid, high quality nutrients into our day. Here are ours!
NingXia Red
We mentioned this supplement powerhouse earlier, but it is absolutely worth mentioning again. This one drink can do so much -- boost overall health, decrease stress, improve sleep, decrease unhealthy inflammation, improve focus, bolster immunity, and more. It is a Whole-food, nutrient dense supplement full of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and polyphenols that every single person on this planet can benefit from -- regardless of age!
Mindwise has a sweet, berry flavor that kids usually love, especially paired with Ningxia Red in the mornings! MindWise is a great way to add healthy fats to your NingXia because it combines exotic sacha inchi nut oil and MCTs (medium chain triglycerides). It also features ALCAR, GPC, and bioidentical CoQ10, ingredients that have been studied for their beneficial health properties. Generous amounts of vitamin D3 and a unique delivery method create a premium supplement that supports normal memory function and overall cognitive and cardiovascular health.
Pure Protein Complete (Vanilla Spice or Chocolate Deluxe)
This protein powder is our go-to for easy nutrition for our kids -- it’s truly top notch. Our kids love smoothies with this! It combines a proprietary 5-Protein Blend (cow and goat whey, pea protein, egg white protein, and organic hemp seed), a full range of amino acids, enzymes, and ancient peat and apple extract and has 25 grams of protein per serving. And it is delicious!
Lesson 8: Diffusing for All Ages
Are you ready for the easiest health hack there ever was??
Say hello to a lovely diffuser and some essential oils. For real. This stuff is clinically proven to improve brain function, stimulate creativity, and shift our moods and emotions.
We all know that kids are not always super cooperative when it comes to our great health initiatives. We are doing big and great things for their bodies but they don’t necessarily WANT to swallow, apply, or try…well, anything.
This is where oils are HUGE for mamas. Game-changing, even.
Right there in the room with our kids, whether little ones, teens, or grown-ups, we can send puffs of delicious smelling oils right up into their noses. They don’t have to lift a finger, or do a thing. (Remember how the sense of smell connects directly to the brain??!)
Find your easiest to fill diffuser, let your kids help you pour in the water and choose their oils, and then whether they’re sleeping or playing, let the benefits of those oils pour into them while you resist the urge to say, “HA! You’re doing something good for you and you don’t even know it!!!” (Not that any of us would think that…. wink).
Try one of these or let your creativity flow and create your own blends together!
Good Morning, Sunshine!
- 4 drops Peppermint
- 3 drops Lemon
- 2 drops Citrus Fresh
Homework Time!
- 3 drops Raven
- 4 drops Lemon
- 1 drop Frankincense
You Can Do This!
- 4 drops Valor
- 3 drops Stress Away
- 2 drops Lavender
Lesson 9: Bathtime Routines
Oh, the routine. We love it and at the same time, sometimes we scramble to find a sense of normalcy and calm even on a weekday with all the hurrying, going, and meeting ourselves in the middle.
BUT. Kids thrive on routine. The same activities, places, people, and SMELLS help them to feel safe and secure. That’s why bathtime and bedtime can be so important as we repeat processes, stories, songs, and back rubs.
In our homes, it is very important to us that we carefully evaluate the products going on and in little bodies. They have growing and developing to do and things like endocrine disrupting ingredients are simply not welcome. We want bubbles, baths, toothpastes, and lotions to be safe and beneficial for little bodies. And for those tween, teen and older bodies too!!
We don’t want…
- Synthetic Ingredients
- Fragrance
- Low quality essential oils or essences
- Mineral oils
- Synthetic perfumes
- Artificial colorings
- Toxic ingredients
- Unnecessary ingredients
And we want the easy button for it all…. Well, we have it!
- KidScents Shampoo -- contains no synthetic perfumes, colors, or toxic ingredients. The natural components in this shampoo—aloe, MSM, Chamomile, and Tangerine and Lemon essential oils—effectively and gently cleanse without causing irritation.
- KidScents Lotion -- contains safe, gentle ingredients to moisturize and soften sensitive skin. The premium blend of MSM, shea butter, aloe vera, and pure Cedarwood, Geranium, and other essential oils supports healthy-looking skin for children of all ages.
- Young Living’s Bath & Shower Gel Base -- This is the perfect way to nourish and cleanse your skin. We love this unscented base because then our kids pick favorite oils to add like Peace & Calming, Lavender, or Stress Away! This is also a great option for older kids and young adults!
- DIY Bath Salts -- not much of a true DIY so anyone can do it. Take a handful of epsom salt or magnesium flakes, add a few drops of essential oil (10/10 recommend Peace & Calming, Lavender or Frankincense!), and add to bath water. Sooth skin, calm emotions, and just feel amazing.
Lesson 10: Restful Sleep
Ohhh the life-changing magic of sleep. It is so so sweet and yet so elusive sometimes as parents. The years are truly short and the days can be SO LONG! It seems like we are ready for bed sometimes long before their stimulated little brains can settle down to be ready for a long rest.
Essential oils to the rescue again! Those same benefits that help with calming emotions and focusing on a task can now work with the body to promote a good night’s sleep. Like a giant off switch, we can find our wound-up little ones more ready to settle down and lay their heads on pillows when we use oils. These oils MUST be accompanied by numerous hugs and kisses and a great tucking in session.
Sleepytime is a great time to apply and diffuse oils! We have diffusers in every bedroom in our home (and many other rooms as well!). Science has shown us tremendous benefits of diffusing oils before and during sleep (improved memory, sharper brain function, more creativity), and it just sets the perfect environment for rest!
Restful Sleep Routines
- Diffuse and apply your favorite sleepy oils at bedtime -- Lavender, Peace & Calming, Valor with Frankincense, and/or KidScents SleepyIze
- Make Peace & Calming part of your nightly routine. This is SUCH a great way to wind down bodies and minds. Make a simple pillow spray with 10 drops Peace & Calming and water to spritz on pillows, blankets, and lovies.
- Diffuse and/or apply Frankincense. This oil has a warm, earthy scent that has been used for centuries to calm the mind. Add in a little Lavender for relaxation and you have a winning combo!
- Everyone has a slightly different preference for sleep oils (although Peace & Calming is a hit for everyone!). Some other oils to consider: Vetiver, Mastrante, Cedarwood.
- As much as possible, spend about 20 minutes helping calm their bodies and minds. Apply oils, then read, talk about the day, ask questions, etc. before turning out the light.
SleepyTime Diffuser Blends
- Lights Out: 4 drops Peace & Calming, 4 drops Lavender
- Calm Time: 4 drops Lavender, 3 drops Frankincense
- Sweet Dreams: 3 drops Valor, 3 drops Tangerine, 2 drops Frankincense
Lesson 11: Simple Remedies for Head, Ears, Throat & Tummies
Having oils on hand when issues arise and having simple actions on using them is the best source of peace and empowerment in parenting! We keep our oils in our toolkit all the time, and when the bumps in the road come we diffuse them, apply them, add them to baths, etc!
All Things Head
Congestion, tension, achiness -- oh my! Grab your Owie or some diluted Peppermint with Lavender and gently massage into shoulders, necks, and around temples (avoid the eyes, but if it gets in apply coconut oil liberally). Diffuse Peppermint with Lavender to soothe, and consider a bath with epsom salts, Frankincense, and Lavender. For more congestion-related head needs, add in Raven or R.C. to open the airways.
All Things Ears Toolkit
Whether you need some help with swimmer’s ear, teething little ones, or frequent pain from colds and such, we have you covered. Grab Owie and/or Copaiba for pain, layered with Purification for immune needs. Rolling them around the ear and down over the lymph nodes can work wonders! Don’t put oils directly in the ear, just around them.
All Things Throats Toolkit
Dry, sore, scratchy throats are never fun. For this we reach for immune support with Thieves, Lemon, and Frankincense! Diffuse, apply, even make a large mug of echinacea tea and add a drop of Lemon. We also love to make a roller with these oils to apply to the feet, spine, and over lymph nodes. Do this frequently -- every hour or so.
All Things Tummies Toolkit
When it comes to tummies, TummyGize or DigIze will be your new best friend. Roll onto the belly as needed! Also make sure your little ones are on MightyPro for a high quality probiotic. Older children can take Life 9 probiotic capsules.
Lesson 12: Tools for Teens and Preteens
As our kids grow, their needs shift as well, and we have lots of tools for that as well! Many of the same oils and products we use for younger kids easily transition to older ones! Add in a couple other favorites, and you have a toolbox for not just surviving but thriving in pre-teen and teenage years!
One of the best things you can do for tweens, pre-teens and teens is to help them balance out their hormones with EndoFlex! This oil combines Nutmeg, Myrtle, and others for a blend that supports the entire endocrine system -- thyroid, adrenals, pituitary, and sex hormones. Today's environment and habits put early strain on these areas of their health, so this blend is essential in their daily routine!
Valor and/or Peace & Calming
We’ve already talked about these powerful emotional oils, and they are great options for pre-teens and teens who are navigating those years and hormones and feelings! These two make a wonderful daily cologne or perfume for your teens, and their brains will begin to associate the scent with a feeling of calm and confidence!
MightyVites or Master Formula
The same way that nutrition is key for little ones, it’s key for our teens as well! Wither you use chewable MightyVites or switch to Master Formula, a high quality multivitamin with minerals and micronutrients gives them the foundation they need for growth!
Lesson 13: Loyalty Rewards
If you like making life simpler, saving money, getting free products and a good discount, then this is for you! You will want to order your YL favorites via the Loyalty Rewards program so you can earn reward points, get free diffuser, gain access to exclusive oils, save money and have it all show up at your doorstep. Plus, after you place just two consecutive 50PV loyalty orders, you'll earn your first free gift, a Desert Mist Diffuser.
All it takes is a few minutes to get started earning all the perks with Loyalty Rewards! Here's the whole process in three easy steps:
Step 1: Add products to your cart using the Add to Cart button on the product pages.
Step 2: During checkout, you'll see an option that says, “Would you like to make this your first loyalty order?” Select “Yes” and all items in your cart will process today for loyalty points, and any Loyalty Rewards-eligible items will appear in your My Loyalty Order tab once your order processes. There is no minimum PV required, but at least one item that is eligible for Loyalty Rewards must be in your cart in order to enroll.
Step 3: Manage your items in your My Loyalty Order tab for next month by adding, deleting, or moving items into Saved for Later before your next process date.
Loyalty Rewards is truly life’s easy button!
Lesson 14: Premium Starter Bundle & KidScents Bundle
You’re ready to fill your toolkit with things that you can use daily and tools for the bumps in the road. Your only regret will be not doing it sooner!! (Trust us on this, we’ve been there!)
Here are two great options for you.
Option 1: The Premium Starter Bundle
The Premium Starter Bundle is your introduction to a fresh, new lifestyle free of harsh chemicals and products! This starter bundle is packed with some of our favorite essential oils, your choice of diffuser, roller fitments, hand purifier and more. This bundle has so many of our favorite, most-used oils we talked about in this class! It includes:
- Desert Mist or Aria diffuser
- Frankincense essential oil, 5 ml
- Lavender essential oil, 5 ml
- Lemon Vitality essential oil, 5 ml
- Peppermint Vitality essential oil, 5 ml
- Citrus Fresh Vitality essential oil blend, 5 ml
- DiGize Vitality essential oil blend, 5 ml
- Thieves Vitality essential oil blend, 5 ml
- PanAway essential oil blend, 5 ml
- Peace & Calming essential oil blend, 5 ml
- Raven essential oil blend, 5 ml
- Stress Away essential oil blend, 5 ml
- Valor essential oil blend, 5 ml
- 2 AromaGlide Roller Fitments
- Thieves Spray
- 10 Thieves Waterless Hand Sanitizer Sachets, 0.1 oz. each
- 2 NingXia Red Singles
Option 2: KidScents Little Oilers Starter Bundle
- The pre-diluted KidScents oils are some of our most reached-for oil blends, and they come in a collection with the cutest diffuser around - the Little Oilers Starter Bundle! This bundle includes pre-diluted KidScents oils, roller tops, and a diffuser:
- TummyGize - for happy tummies
- SniffleEase - for easing sniffles
- Owie - for owies
- SleepyIze - for restful sleep
- GeneYus - for school and homework
- The adorable Feather the Owl Diffuser - also serves as a nightlight, sound machine and humidifier!
- Two roller fitments to add to any oil you like (We recommend TummyGize and Owie!)
Grab your bundle and get started with simple, effective, and lasting lifestyle changes today!