Happy Hormones Course

Lesson 1: Welcome to the Happy Hormones Course

Hormones play a huge role in our overall health & wellbeing - both physical and mental. They affect our mood, metabolism, energy levels, exercise tolerance, skin and hair, sleep, and much more.

On the flip side, everything from age to sleep to environment can impact our hormones, making it incredibly common for one of the key players to be out of balance. And an imbalanced system can leave us feeling worn out, strung out, and everything in between.

But we don’t have to live in that place. We have tools in our toolbox!

We are here to help you figure out what your body is trying to tell you.
We are here to give you tools to support both specific needs and hormone health overall.
We are here together to help you get your vitality (and sanity!) back.

Welcome to the Happy Hormones Course!


Lesson 2: Are Your Hormones Running the Show?

  • Do you experience chronic fatigue?
  • Is your hair falling out?
  • Are your hormones imbalanced?
  • Do you feel lightheaded?
  • Have you lost your libido?
  • Are you moody and irritable?
  • Do you crave sweet and salty foods?

It is very possible that your hormones are running the show, making you worn out, anxious, annoyed, and generally needing a little help. Our hormones (and the balance between them) are absolutely crucial to our health and to a vibrant lifestyle.

There are many hormones in the body, but the ones that tend to cause havoc when out of balance are the adrenal, thyroid and sex hormones. These work in a cycle together.

  • Thyroid hormone affects sex hormones.
  • Adrenal hormones affect thyroid hormones.
  • Sex hormones affect adrenal hormones.

So when one part of the cycle is out of balance, there are consequences for the entire endocrine system.

The adrenal glands are located just above the kidneys and are known for the 'fight or flight' response. This response is natural and necessary. It protects us when in high stress situations (like running from a lion), but the constant stress of daily life often keeps our adrenals on overdrive.

If you’re tired and wired, feeling lightheaded, and struggle with sleep, your adrenals could be running the show.

The thyroid gland performs a myriad of tasks in the body. It regulates metabolism, energy, body temperature, and hormone production which impacts just about every other body system in some way.

If your hair is falling out, you are cold all the time, or are chronically tired, your thyroid hormone (or lack thereof) is running the show.

Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone play a huge role in our overall health - everything from reproduction to muscle tone to mood to energy levels. Chronic stress, improper nutrition, low vitamin D levels, an unhealthy gut balance and yeast overgrowth can all negatively affect estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.

And when estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are out of balance, it can cause uncomfortable symptoms during the monthly cycle, dietary sensitivities, hormonal acne, and much more.

So in this complex web of hormones, it very well could be that one of these key players is truly running the show and making you feel like you want to pull your hair out (even if it is already falling out).

But hang on. Because we are going to dive into this together, and you will leave with lots of great tips and products to help you get your groove back.


Lesson 3: A Holistic View of Health

A lot of times our brains think in a black and white scenario. If we have natural options we can’t use conventional ones. And while our goal is to have as low-tox of a lifestyle as possible, we still live in the real world!

Sometimes it just takes a small shift in our thinking to get us where we want to be.

We want to look at our health and our lives with a holistic perspective. Our bodies work as a whole. Our lives work as a whole. Each part is dependent on the others, and each part affects the others.

What does a holistic view of health look like? It looks like tools in your toolbox for daily support, tools for when the bumps in the road hit, pausing and listening to your body to see what it is trying to tell you.

Here is a simple example – fevers.

Did you know that a fever is a natural response of the body when it comes into contact with something that it needs to fight off? Yep. A fever is your body doing its thing to kill off whatever is making you feel bad.

A lot of doctors will tell you to let a fever run its course so that the body can mount its defenses against the infection or injury. Does that mean we just sit and suffer in discomfort or never lower really high fevers? No, we take a holistic view of the situation.

Did you know that applying Lemon and Peppermint to the feet and spine can be really soothing in the presence of a fever? This makes you comfortable while allowing the body to do what it was created to do!

Our bodies have an innate design that we can support and encourage with simple daily tools. Our lives are an interplay of mental, physical, and emotional health. Each one affecting the other, and each one an area where we can create nourishing routines that spill over into each of the other areas.

So let's shift our focus to a holistic view of our lives and health so we can move towards something better, something richer in all areas – including our hormone health.


Lesson 4: The Science of Essential Oils and Oil-Infused Supplements

Hang on to your hat friend, we’re getting sciency! (But just a little - don’t worry!)

Essential oils are truly fascinating - they are a way to harness the incredible power of nature! Essential oils are the aromatic compounds naturally found in shrubs, flowers, roots, leaves, stems and other parts of plants.

The power of an essential oil lies in its individual constituents and the synergy between those constituents - the individual compounds and pieces of the plant’s innate systems.

Some examples of constituents in essential oils include terpenes, monoterpenes, and phenols. These are just chemistry words to describe the physical structure of each constituent. What's important here is that essential oils have a predominantly ring-like structure that is lipid-soluble.

OK, why do we care about this chemistry jargon? Because this specific structure allows essential oils to penetrate cell membranes and travel easily throughout the blood and tissues.

Each cell in the body is surrounded by a lipid membrane, which is good because we don't want to allow just anything inside the cell. However, it can be difficult to reach problem areas, and a lot of money goes towards creating solutions to this. Oils are the perfect design! Small, ringed structure, and lipid-soluble.

So it just makes sense that adding essential oils to our supplements and herbs will help increase absorption, allowing our bodies to take in and use more of the good stuff we are giving it. Not to mention the incredible properties of the oils themselves!

Studies over the last decades found that rosemary may enhance alertness + combat candida, orange + lemon demonstrate tumor-suppressing effects, and thyme can wash bacteria from produce. Studies like this are plentiful on PubMed!

And the world leader when it comes to essential oils and oil-infused supplements? Young Living.

“Knowing which supplements are right for you can sometimes feel daunting. Which do you need? How do you choose? When do you take them? How do you know if the sourcing is reliable? Unfortunately, the conventional options that are available at most health stores and pharmacies are lacking in many ways.

Young Living supplements contain only high-quality, sustainable ingredients that are a necessary part of the formulation. They are also infused with essential oils which enhance absorption and add benefits of their own. This is what makes Young Living supplements far superior to anything you would find in a store, and this is why I recommend Young Living supplements in my practice and for my family.” - Dr. Ashley H. Cribb, Supplement Field Guide

It’s no secret that we love Young Living’s supplements. They are clean, containing only what is needed for the formulation, sourced from sustainable resources, and the highest quality on the market! Plus, they are all backed by Young Living’ Seed to Seal standards.

You can’t find better oils or oil-infused supplements anywhere.


Lesson 5: Nourishing Our Hormones - Ningxia, Green Omega 3, Super B, & Mineral Essence

Just like our physical bodies, our hormones need nourishment to keep sending the appropriate signals to the appropriate cells to get the appropriate responses. When our adrenals, thyroid and other endocrine glands are lacking in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and nutrients, the whole show is going to get out of balance.

This is why proactive supplementation is so key! And we have some great foundational options that will give your entire endocrine system the nourishment it needs – not to mention your body overall!

NingXia Red
You say antioxidants, I say NingXia Red. This supplement powerhouse is packed full of antioxidants and nutrients that our bodies desperately need!

Not only is NingXia Red the highest known protection against the free radicals (highest on the S-ORAC test!), it is rich in ellagic acid, polyphenols, flavonoids, vitamins, and minerals. In addition, it has 18 amino acids, 21 trace minerals, beta-carotene, and vitamins B1, B2, B6, and E.

NingXia Red is an excellent whole-food source of nutrients that gives energy and strength to the body without harmful stimulates. It also has an amazing low glycemic index of 11 that does not spike the blood sugar levels.

This one supplement in your routine can do so much! Check out a recent clinical study with NingXia Red for more!

Green Omega-3s
This vegan omega-3 supplement serves up essential fatty acids from algal oil (algae!) to support your hormones, heart, brain, eyes, and immune system.

We have all heard that omega-3s are important for our heart, but did you know that they are crucial for our mood, emotions, and hormones as well?! This is because hormones are made from good fats aka omega-3s. Our bodies need fat to produce hormones, so adding in a high quality source of them just makes sense!

We love the algal oil in Green Omega3-s. A plant-based source of omega-3 has so many benefits over traditional fish-based sources – less impact on the marine ecosystem, reduced potential for marine contaminants, and a product without a fishy smell or aftertaste. All the good stuff, none of the bad!

Super B Tablets
Super B is one of our daily must-haves! This B complex supplement is great for maintaining healthy energy levels, supporting mood, nourishing our endocrine system, and maintaining cardiovascular and cognitive function.

Our current lifestyles often leave our thyroid and adrenal system (our fight or flight response) on overdrive, and B vitamins are a great way to give them some love on a daily basis.

B vitamins are essential to our health and well-being, and each B vitamin performs a unique and separate function, which is why a ‘B Complex' vitamin is essential. Unfortunately, B vitamins must be replenished daily, as they are water soluble and therefore not stored in the body.

B vitamins can help with mood and emotions, hormonal balance, thyroid function, adrenal health, energy levels, and much more. They are hugely important!

Mineral Essence
The events of everyday living demand a continual ingestion of minerals, ideally from the diet, but given current food and farming practices, diet just isn't enough.

Enter Mineral Essence.

Mineral Essence is a balanced, full-spectrum ionic mineral complex that contains sixty ionic minerals including iron, zinc, boron, sodium, magnesium, selenium, thallium, calcium, and potassium.

And like all our other favorite supplements, it is infused with essential oils! Peppermint, Cinnamon Bark and Lemon. These oils support healthy digestion, contain antioxidants and immune support properties, and help the body absorb the minerals, making them more available and useful to the body.

Still not sure? Check this out:

Iron, magnesium, zinc and selenium deficiencies alone have been linked to many health issues -- including those that affect our emotional health -- and all of these deficiencies can be improved with Mineral Essence! Many times deficiencies such as iron aren’t actually about needing more iron but are about your body having iron that it can assimilate, use, and eliminate so your sources matter.

These four supplements form an incredible foundation for any work that you want or need to do when it comes to hormone health – for men or women! If nothing else, get these into your daily routine to nourish your endocrine system (and whole body!!) to make a shift forward.


Lesson 6: Hot Flashes, Cramps, PMS, and the She-Dragon Within

Everything we’ve covered so far can be applied to anyone, and a lot of this course can be for men or women. But let’s pause for a little girl talk.

Hot flashes, cramps, PMS. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that these are some of the most common hormone-related conditions ladies face... because you could likely list out a million different symptoms of your own.

Many women struggle to some degree with feeling the effects of hormonal imbalance – from their first cycle through childbearing years to menopause! Each of these stages has its own set of dragons to be tamed, and each of these dragons is related to an imbalance of one or more hormones.

So what gives? Why do we feel this way?

Well, there are lots of causes – hormones, diet, lack of sleep, overall inflammation, psychological and physical stress (aka being a human in this modern world). A lot of this is within our control, some of it will improve when we balance our hormones, and a little is out of our control so we have to do the best we can with what we have!

And we are lucky enough to have tools in our toolbox to help us with this rollercoaster! Our hormones need support and nourishment throughout our lifetime, and we are here to find the ways we can best support them no matter your current stage of life.


Lesson 7: The Endocrine System - EndoGize & EndoFlex

You may not have ever heard your hormones called the endocrine system, but that is all that it is!

The endocrine system produces hormones and hormones tell the body what to do and when to do it! When your hormones aren’t firing off correctly, NOTHING IS RIGHT. This is not about you just feeling crazy. It is literally your entire body in a completely chaotic state of miscommunication.

The endocrine system’s primary aim is to maintain a stable and balanced internal environment, aka homeostasis. The body does this by regulating functions such as metabolism, growth, sleep wake cycles, breathing, and sexual development through a series of glands that release hormones into the bloodstream. These hormones travel to the organs and tissues of the body where they signal cells act in certain ways for cell growth and function.

There are eight major glands that help in the endocrine system – the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenals, pineal body and the reproductive glands (testes and ovaries). Each of these plays a role in various body systems and functions. They determine how energy is stored and used in the body, how the body controls fluid, salt and sugar levels in the blood, and even emotional responses. It takes only a very small level of hormones (or lack of!!) to trigger significant reactions in the body.

For the sake of time, let’s talk about the CEO of this whole set up - the hypothalamus.

The hypothalamus is directly connected to our olfactory system, or sense of smell…. Enter the benefits of aromatherapy! Studies show that scents carried in an oil base register immediately in the hypothalamus and bypass the brain’s need to “figure it out.”

Did someone say essential oils??

If you followed all that, you get the gold star. If you skipped to this sentence, that’s fine too. Here’s the short of it –, our endocrine system is crucially important. Support it well and you might find yourself feeling like a whole new person. Add one way to do that? Oils!

In January many begin working out with huge goals to be fit and consistent. But they run out of steam in a matter of weeks. Those who typically find more success are those who have accountability through a partner or a personal trainer. They need help finding what works best for their bodies so that they can be strong for their unique body types.

Many also have goals to be healthier and have more energy. They're going to eat well, sleep more hours, lose weight, and get moving. But their bodies have forgotten how to do these things. They have individual experiences and baggage that mean their endocrine systems need a "spotter" to be sure they get stronger instead of burning out or hurting themselves as they work to heal.

Meet EndoFlex - The personal trainer for your endocrine system.

Healthy thyroid function, hormone balance, healthy metabolism, and adrenal health – this oil blend will help all of these pieces of your puzzle come together the way that a personal trainer helps you work towards better fitness at the gym.

This blend is often very beneficial for teens and kids who are developing hormonally. Today's habits put early strain on these areas of their health!

EndoFlex is a blend of:

  • Spearmint: A rocket pack for your metabolism, support for your nervous system; helps bring balance overall
  • Sage: Commonly used for purification and release of the negativity that wears us down from the inside.
  • Geranium: Daily TLC for overall hormone balance pulse the liver and pancreas
  • Myrtle: You say "Thyroid?" I say, "Myrtle!" Pair them together and watch the beautiful friendship begin.
  • German Chamomile: Calming to your system and especially supportive of healthy liver function.
  • Nutmeg: HERE is your adrenal support. Like a car that can't shift into the next gear, with our adrenals worn out, we will sputter and find no oomph to continue moving forward.

Pair this oil blend with EndoGize - The Power Hitter

EndoGize is a daily women's hormone support supplement powered by essential oils, minerals, and herbs, including ashwagandha root – a well known herb for hormone balance and stress reduction.

EndoGize also contains DHEA, a hormone precursor for estrogen and testosterone, DHEA is naturally made in the body, but levels decline as we age. These ingredients work synergistically to create a formula that supports a healthy endocrine system for women.

Happy Hormones Habits

  • Apply EndoFlex daily over the thyroid area, kidneys, or feet.
  • Take EndoFlex Vitality in an empty capsule with olive oil daily.
  • Add 20 drops of EndoFlex to epsom salts and soak.
  • Ladies, pair with EndoFlex and EndoGize with Progessence Plus for a dynamic duo! Guys, pair EndoFlex with Shutran!


Lesson 8: Estrogen & Progesterone

Most often when we’re discussing hormones, we start talking about estrogen and progesterone. Almost all women are high in estrogen and deficient in progesterone (with a few exceptions). Our diets, environmental factors, skin products, and much more quickly lead to the excess estrogen in the body.

The balance of these hormones is important for ALL WOMEN. No matter the age. Even those who’ve had a hysterectomy!

Progesterone is produced in the ovaries and the adrenal glands (and the placenta when pregnant) and is stored in fat. Progesterone is not just needed for our reproductive system but also for our NERVOUS system.

THIS is why we feel so out of sync (and out of control!!). This isn’t just about having babies or our monthly cycle. This is about so much more. It is the way that our bodies function and communicate at a cellular level.

Progesterone is NOT JUST NEEDED by women during childbearing years. It is a part of female health until death, a part of our female nature.

Ok but what about estrogen? Where does she come into the picture? I’m glad you asked…

Estrogen has to first attach to a cell, then it grabs hands with the progesterone. If the progesterone is not there, the estrogen begins to inhibit the chemical process that is supposed to happen and it can begin a process of mutation.

We still need estrogen. She is very much the other half of this puzzle, but we get so much from foods, plastics, chemicals in home and self care products, medications, and more. Many of these are xenoestrogens - artificial estrogens. But our bodies don’t care. They process it the same way.

In today’s society, women’s bodies at all ages are FULL of estrogen going into our cell receptors, then reaching out a hand for progesterone only to be left hanging. Nothing. Chemical imbalance CHAOS.

Bottom line? Both estrogen and progesterone are important. Both are needed. BUT they are needed in a balance of each other.


Lesson 9: What Your Cycle is Telling You - FemiGen & Progessence Plus

Let’s take a little closer look at the monthly cycle of hormones for women. Sadly this is a VERY overlooked area of education, and most women don’t even know what phases their body is going through at any given time.

Frankly, we find this unacceptable.

  • If you know how your cycle works, then you can support your body well.
  • If you know how your cycle works, then you can understand why you feel better or worse on certain days.
  • If you know how your cycle works, you can even create nourishing routines to meet your body’s specific needs during that time in your cycle.

Here is a brief overview of what a female hormone cycle looks like:
Phase 1: Menstrual Phase (Week 1– Day 1 (first day of period) to Day 7)

  • On day 1 of your cycle, progesterone plunges and the lining of the uterus sheds. Estrogen levels are also at their lowest, and throughout this week of bleeding, estrogen starts a steady climb. During this week, your energy is the lowest in your cycle and you may feel tired and withdrawn. You may want to rest more than you usually do, or even take a day off, if possible.

Phase 2: The Follicular Phase (Week 2 – Day 8 to ovulation):

  • This phase follows just after menstruation. It's called the Follicular phase because your pituitary gland releases a hormone called Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), which stimulates the follicles in your ovaries to mature. Estrogen and testosterone rise till they peak.
  • Fun fact: You build more muscle and build it faster when you do resistance exercises during the first half of your cycle—your Week 1 and Week 2—compared to when doing them in the second half of your cycle—your Week 3 and Week 4—thanks to rising estrogen.

Phase 3: The Ovulatory Phase (Begins the day after ovulation and lasts 8 days)

  • Ovulation is the culmination of all the hard work your body has been doing over the last couple of weeks. An egg gets released from its follicle in your ovary and will survive for 12-24 hours. Progesterone rises; estrogen and testosterone rise to peak levels, making this a time you likely feel great.

Phase 4: The Luteal Phase (Week 4 – Final 6 days of your cycle)

  • The first 2 to 3 days of this phase will feel a lot like the ovulatory phase. That changes when estrogen and testosterone decline and your body starts producing progesterone.
  • The second half of this phase, however, is notoriously difficult for many women. You might feel PMS symptoms like cravings for carbohydrate-heavy comfort foods, bloating, breast tenderness, headaches, anxiety and moodiness. These symptoms are not all in your head but they aren't something you should suffer through either.

Clearly the levels of hormones in our bodies are meant to fluctuate throughout the month, but almost all women are starting at a hormone deficit (at least with progesterone!), making all of the symptoms of each phase even more acute.

Estrogen and progesterone are needed in some amount every day of the month. Depending on your situation, you may find that support for both hormones works best for you!

Let’s talk about how to get this support. First up, progesterone.

If you determine that you are one of the many women who do need extra progesterone, how do you get it?

This is usually where conventional HRT comes in. However, many of these hormones are made with horse urine, medroxy-progesterone acetate, and other synthetic progestins. These are VERY different from what is found in plants or in your body. Plus, their long term effects have some dramatic risk factors.

Natural hormones are easily recognized by the body. It says, “Hey! I know you! And I know exactly where you need to go to help me.” This is why we love phyto-progesterones like the ones in Progessence Plus!

Progessence Plus is our BFF. It is a pure progesterone serum from wild yam that is infused with Sacred Frankincense essential oil. This serum easily absorbs into the skin and also contains the nourishing oils Copaiba, Cedarwood, Bergamot, Peppermint, and Clove giving it many added benefits for supporting and stabilizing mood.

Fun bonus: Clinical studies are also showing that essential oils can enhance the ability of natural hormones to penetrate the skin, allowing us even more benefit. This way we quickly get our new progesterone on its way to that estrogen that’s been left hanging.

Another great option for female hormone support is FemiGen!

FemiGen is a twice-daily supplement that combines whole-food herbs including wild yam, damiana, and dong quai with synergistic amino acids, and clary sage, fennel, ylang ylang, and sage essential oils.

FemiGen specifically supports the female reproductive system through estrogen balance and helps maintain and nourish the reproductive system from development through menopause.

Happy Hormones Habits

  • Apply Progessence Plus daily to the wrists or front of the throat.
  • Take FemiGen twice daily.
  • Maintain your baseline supplements to nourish your hormones and body in general – NingXia Red, Mineral Essence, Super B, Green Omega 3s.


Lesson 10: Thyroid Trouble - Thyromin

If you are a woman reading this, it is highly likely that your thyroid needs a little extra TLC. Yep, it’s that common. Let’s talk about this small little gland that can cause so much havoc when it’s out of balance.

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ located in the base of your neck. It releases thyroid hormones (T3 and T4 - often these are measured on lab work!) that control metabolism and affect or control MANY other functions, including:

  • Breathing (sort of crucial)
  • Heart rate (also sort of crucial_
  • Central and peripheral nervous systems
  • Body weight (anyone?)
  • Energy levels
  • Muscle strength
  • Menstrual cycles
  • Body temperature
  • Cholesterol levels
  • AND Much more!

Basically, without the thyroid we are up a creek without a paddle, yelling at everyone and everything and, once again, feeling like we’re completely off the rocker. Unfortunately, even many people who have their thyroid levels tested and show to be “normal” are not experiencing the vitality that comes from a truly well-functioning thyroid.

Again, we have to shift to a holistic view of our health. Those “normal” ranges are based on a very wide range of individuals of different sizes, ethnicities, etc. and do not account for your specific DNA or for the balance of your other hormones.

Because the thyroid does so much for us, it needs lots of nourishment!! This is why we love a wonderful supplement called Thyromin.

Thyromin contains porcine glandular extracts, herbs, amino acids, minerals, and essential oils that work together in a perfectly balanced formula to maximize nutritional support for healthy thyroid function. It’s like a little pampering session for this crucial area of your health every time you pop that supplement! This support tool can lead you to a sane body, mind, and emotions we’re all wanting (and needing!).

Add this supplement to your routine if any of these things strikes a chord and see how you’re feeling after just one month of that support.

And. Ready for a fun bonus??

The thyroid works VERY closely with that CEO guy we talked about earlier, Mr. Hypothalamus. You remember - the one who responds really well to smells? This is one of the reasons that we love to send little love letters to our thyroid via some favorite oils.

Favorite Thyroid Love Notes:

  • EndoFlex
  • Myrtle
  • Myrrh
  • Idaho Blue Spruce
  • Nutmeg

Happy Hormones Habits:

  • Take Thyromin first thing in the morning before other supplements or medications.
  • Apply Nutmeg and/or EndoFlex oils daily.
  • Diffuse EnRGee and Nutmeg!


Lesson 11: Adrenal Glands - PowerGize

Have you heard about the adrenal glands? Oh my goodness, do these guys take a beating – especially with our modern lifestyle.

The adrenal glands are small organs that sit on top of the kidneys. They maintain and boost our energy, kind of like a car shifting into first, second, and third gear as we go about our day. They also help our body survive during times of stress. Since many of us live in a state of constant stress, they wear down quickly.

Our adrenal glands aren't meant to always be firing. They are there to jump in when needed and not be running the whole show. But excessive caffeine, lack of sleep, emotional stress, demanding schedules, hormonal imbalance, diet, alcohol abuse, and always pushing ourselves to the max can damage the adrenals to cause them to fatigue.

  • Do you have difficulty awakening from sleep in the morning, often hitting the snooze button multiple times?
  • Do you need caffeine to get going in the morning?
  • Have you recently gained weight, especially around the middle?
  • Do you feel like you get every bug that is going around, that your immune system is shot?
  • Do you have more difficulty dealing with stress and deadline pressure than you used to?
  • Do you frequently feel lightheaded upon standing quickly?
  • Do you struggle with poor memory or “brain fog”?
  • Do you feel especially tired in the mornings and afternoons between 3-5pm?
  • Do you feel the need to snack or eat frequently to maintain a normal blood sugar?
  • Do you crave salty foods?
  • Do you feel extremely tired between 7-10 pm but get a second wind if you stay up later? (This is the time of day when adrenals heal during sleep.)
  • If you are female, do you struggle with PMS: heavy bleeding, moodiness, fatigue during menstrual cycle? If you are male, do you feel like you stamina, energy and ability to maintain muscle are decreased?
  • Do you frequently have pain in the upper back or neck with no apparent reason?

THIS could be your adrenals telling you that they need some help. That they desperately need minerals, B vitamins, and nutrients. Not to mention rest.

Give your adrenals a power up with PowerGize. This supplement contains some wonderful herbs and essential oils to give your adrenals (and entire endocrine system) a boost.

PowerGize combines herbs with Blue Spruce, Goldenrod, and Cassia essential oils to help individuals of all ages boost stamina and performance. One of the key ingredients of this supplement is the ashwagandha root extract. Ashwagandha is an ancient herb that works as an adaptogen, helping your body manage stress and giving the adrenals the rest they need.

This incredible supplement also includes Vitamin B6, Magnesium and Zinc as well as Fenugreek to nourish the adrenals and overall endocrine system. This is also a great option for men to help with exercise performance and healthy testosterone levels (all because of the good old endocrine system!).

Happy Hormones Habits:

  • Pair PowerGize with Super B tablets (full of whole-food, folate-rich B vitamins infused with Nutmeg - our adrenal BFF)
  • Add NingXia Red with Mineral Essence to your daily routine to flood your adrenals (and entire body) with easily absorbable nutrients


Lesson 12: Stress Takes a Toll - Cortistop & PD 80/20

Stress stored and fought by the body is possibly the number one health danger. It is truly a danger to so many pieces of your health and life puzzle, so making sure we have tools to help our bodies physically and emotionally deal with stress is one of the biggest positive changes we can make.

Why is stress so dangerous? Let’s take a look at what happens when you're stressed.

Your adrenal glands go into overdrive and your cortisol levels go up. High levels of cortisol cause the body to scavenge for protein to convert into glucose to provide energy for the brain to deal with the perceived stress (this also severely depresses the immune system).

So, adrenaline kicks in. Your adrenals can spike creating a feeling of energy then crash with extreme fatigue when they run out of materials to work with. (This looks like feeling fine in the morning, but getting tired or overwhelmed when contemplating work.)

This cycle is fine in the very short term. In fact it keeps you safe in dangerous situations. But it was never meant to be turned on as much as it is in our modern world.

When cortisol is produced too frequently, it can cause feelings of fatigue, difficulty maintaining healthy weight, and difficulty maintaining optimal health of cardiovascular systems.

When cortisol levels are chronically high, it affects the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, basically affecting all your hormones and disrupting the natural feedback loop. This causes the body to be less sensitive to the ‘Stop Signal,' and creates a vicious cycle of elevated stress signals.

This is not what we want.

Enter our favorite stress supplement – CortiStop.

CortiStop is an herb and essential oil supplement that is designed to address the way women's bodies react to the cortisol produced when under stress. CortiStop helps to naturally balance the stress response by calming the body and lowering cortisol levels. As cortisol declines, strength and energy return, and the body moves back to a state of equilibrium.

CortiStop contains pregnenolone and DHEA, precursors that all hormones are made from, which help decrease the production of cortisol. It also contains essential oils and good, plant-based estrogens to help the body return to balance.

Another great, more targeted option here is PD 80/20. This supplement contains pregnenolone and DHEA in an 80/20 ration.

Pregnenolone is the key precursor for the body's production of estrogen, DHEA, and progesterone, and it has an impact on mental acuity and memory.

“Pregnenolone is a prohormone that serves as a precursor for numerous steroid hormones, including cortisol, progesterone, and DHEA. It has an impact on mental acuity, energy levels and memory as well as many other body processes such as sleep/wake cycles and reproduction. Pregnenolone may also have a role in regulating mood and emotions.” - Supplement Field Guide

DHEA is involved in maintaining the health of the cardiovascular and immune systems. “DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is often used by athletes to promote muscle growth and strength, but this pro-hormone is also involved in maintaining the health of the cardiovascular and immune systems, improving bone density and cholesterol levels and producing sex hormones. DHEA is one of the most abundant hormones in the human body and is required for more than 150 metabolic functions. The adrenal glands naturally produce DHEA for the body to convert into other hormones. DHEA levels naturally start to decline after the age of 30 which can lead to weight gain, low energy, low libido and higher levels of inflammation.” - Supplement Field Guide

Happy Hormones Habits:

  • Add CortiStop to your routine during or after times of stress. Take 2 capsules in the morning before breakfast. If desired, for extra benefits, take another 2 capsules before bed. Use daily for 8 weeks. Discontinue use for 2-4 weeks before once more resuming.
  • Start with 1 capsule per day, then increase to 2 capsules per day as needed.
  • Pair one of these supplements with Super B tablets and NingXia Red with Mineral Essence to nourish the entire endocrine system.


Lesson 13: Emotional Roots to Our Health Issues - Nutmeg, En-R-Gee, & Diffusing

Ohhh emotions. They can be so big and so heavy at times, and they absolutely affect our physical health – even more than you may realize! And while they are a huge piece of our health puzzle, we don’t want to let them run the show either.

Emotions are simply reactions that we experience in response to events or situations. The type of emotion we experience is determined by the circumstance that triggers the emotion. For instance, a person experiences joy when they receive good news. A person experiences fear when they are threatened.

There is a physical reason for this. Our brains have specific areas where we process emotion. The system of the brain responsible for memory and mood is the limbic system. It includes the hippocampus, the hypothalamus, and the amygdala.

When we look at the structure of the brain, we see that the amygdala (a tiny, almond-shaped structure) is key when it comes to emotion and fear.

The hippocampus is where new nerve cells are created. And it is physically beside the structure responsible for emotions. And is connected to the nose via a cranial nerve.

That may sound a bit like science jargon, but let’s read that again.

The part of the brain where new nerve cells are created is connected to the part that processes emotions and is also connected to our sense of smell.

Aromatherapy (breathing in essential oils) sends messages to our brain through our cranial nerves and limbic system. This means that inhaling oils triggers this area, helping us to rest, reset, and recharge. And diffusing is a great way to get the benefit of these oils!

Two favorites for diffusing & emotions – Nutmeg & EnRGee.

Nutmeg is warm, welcoming, and energizing to the mind and body. We’ve already mentioned it is amazing support for our adrenals, but it also helps us manage stress and supports immune health. Inhaling Nutmeg can even send a soothing hello signal to your tired brain and overworked thyroid and adrenals.

Another favorite is EnRGee.

This oil blend is energizing and alerting to the body, and it also helps process deep emotions of overwhelm and isolation.

The body can communicate most effectively when we are not in total survival mode, since survival means compromising most functions for the vital essentials to keep going as long as possible.

  • Are you in survival mode?
  • Are you only giving yourself the leftovers?
  • Do you put off taking care of your body and mind?
  • Do you only pour out without nourishing yourself?

So many people are in survival mode. Hormones are out of whack and emotions are bottled up. Despite caring for those around them, they feel isolated. EnRGee can help release the emotion of isolation, instilling a sense of connectedness.

Happy Hormones Habits:

  • Put some En-R-Gee and Nutmeg in the diffuser while you journal or internally process. Write about what seems to zap the energy right out of you. Can you pinpoint the roots of what makes you exhausted, overwhelmed, full of dread, or frustrated about your day?
  • Next, start to write about the kind of person you dream of being. The attitudes, the priorities, the joy, whatever it is. Visualize it.
  • Continue daily, even if you don't get to journal. You can process this internally 24/7, the body knows how to work with whatever you give it!

We use these oils daily and in conjunction with supplements and good health habits. Oils are not a one time "quick fix"! Using them daily and consistently is when you will be able to see support and results!


Lesson 14: As We Age - Regenolone, Prenolone +, & SclarEssence

As we age our hormone levels continue to fluctuate – during and after having children and into menopause. At each stage we may need estrogen support, but we are especially in need of estrogen support during and after menopause.

There are multiple options for support here!

First up, Regenolone.

Regenolone Moisturizing Cream is a natural estrogen support cream with plant-based phytoestrogens that soothe the skin and can provide an alternative to conventional estrogen creams.

This rich, nourishing cream of plant extracts such as wild yam (phyto-progesterone!) and black and blue cohosh (phyto-estrogens) supports female hormone health – especially estrogen levels. This cream also contains St. John’s Wort and adaptogenic herbs to help soothe the adrenal glands and emotions!

Plus, the formula is rounded out with a special blend of essential oils (improves absorption!) that help also balance hormones and promote healthier, more youthful-looking skin.

Next up, Prenolone Plus Body Cream.

This cream is very similar to Regenolone, except it has one more ingredient – DHEA.

This body cream smells incredible and provides so many wonderful hormone supporting herbs such as St. John’s wort, wild yam extract, ginkgo biloba leaf extract and green tea leaf extract. These herbs and essential oils work synergistically to promote a healthy balance of hormones while also nourishing the skin.

The DHEA in Prenolone Plus can be really helpful to some women. DHEA is a hormone precursor for estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, meaning you would further increase the hormone levels that you need.

DHEA also helps prevent bone loss, improves estrogen production, lowers inflammation and improves heart health. Note: DHEA is not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding or for those being treated for prostate or breast cancer unless directed by a physician.

Finally, SclarEssence
Sclaressence is an essential oil blend containing Clary Sage, Peppermint, Spanish Sage, and Fennel.

This blend is rich in phytoestrogen oils. Phytoestrogens are simply plant-based compounds that are similar enough to human estrogen that they are easily recognized as estrogen in our bodies. There is also thought that they help our body create its own estrogen!

Phytoestrogens can support a normal cycle in healthy women, especially during the follicular phase (days 1-14). But it is also incredibly important for women during and after menopause. In fact, the low levels of estrogen during and after menopause can cause hot flashes, mood swings, and osteoporosis.

SclarEssence is here to support those levels naturally.

Happy Hormones Habits:

  • Apply Regenolone Moisturizing Cream or Prenolone Plus Body Cream daily.
  • Add SclarEssence to your routine – apply it daily, diffuse it while you sleep, add SclarEssence Vitality to a capsule and take daily as a supplement.
  • Maintain your baseline supplements to nourish your hormones and body in general – NingXia Red, Mineral Essence, Super B, Green Omega 3s.


Lesson 15: Learn More with Us - Life Steps App, Facebook Groups, & People Ready to Help

One of the most beautiful things about natural health is that there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution. There are lots of tools and resources at your disposal to help you create a completely customized health routine that meets YOUR needs.

Isn’t that wonderful?

And you never have to feel lost or overwhelmed about what to do, where to start, what to add, or how to use these products. Why? Because we have you covered with the Life Steps app!

The free version of this app is perfect for Customers. It provides information, education, videos, and more to make sure you know how to purchase, use, and benefit from your Young Living products!

There is even a free Wellness Assessment that you can use to get a read on what your body may need, as well as suggestions for what products to use to meet those needs!

In addition to the app, we have Facebook groups for every challenge so you can connect with other people, learn more, and keep growing on your health journey.

Not to mention the people here to help you! The person who told you about this course, the person you ordered your products from, and all of us here at Life Steps are here for you.

Keep learning with us as we all grow forward in our health journey.


Lesson 16: Loyalty Rewards

If you like making life simpler, saving money, getting free products and a good discount, then this is for you! Say hello to Loyalty Rewards (https://www.youngliving.com/us/en/learn/loyalty-rewards). When you order your YL favorites via the Loyalty Rewards program, you can earn reward points that work like product credits, gain access to exclusive oils, save money and have it all show up at your doorstep whenever you want. If that isn’t an easy button, we don’t know what is!

Let’s walk through a quick rundown of the what, why and how of Loyalty Rewards…

  • What: a customizable monthly auto-ship option for ordering Young Living products (aka your easy button for one stop shopping!)
  • Why: makes life easier, 50PV+ orders get points to use like product credits, and orders of 100PV+ earn free products through the Gift with Purchase each month!
  • How: edit the items in your cart each month, change the processing date and shipping options to customize your Loyalty Rewards orders to meet your needs!

All it takes is a few minutes to get started with Loyalty Rewards! Here's the whole process in three easy steps:

Step 1: Add products to your cart using the Add to Cart button on the product pages.
Step 2: During checkout, you'll see an option that says, “Would you like to make this your first loyalty order?” Select “Yes” and all items in your cart will process today for loyalty points, and any Loyalty Rewards-eligible items will appear in your My Loyalty Order tab once your order processes. There is no minimum PV required, but at least one item that is eligible for Loyalty Rewards must be in your cart in order to enroll.
Step 3: Manage your items in your My Loyalty Order tab for next month by adding, deleting, or moving items into Saved for Later before your next process date. Orders process at midnight the night before so make sure to finalize your order the day before it processes.

Learn more about this member-loved program in the Related Resources below!


Lesson 17: Get Started Today with the Adrenal Love Wellness Box

In this course we have touched on how stress is such a huge factor in our health, and it keeps our adrenal system going and going and going – not what we want for ideal health! But figuring out what to do to help this just adds more stress…

Say hello to your easy button - the Monthly Wellness Box!

Simply choose an area of health to work on or a lifestyle need that fits your family, add the products to your subscription to earn Loyalty Rewards, and enjoy all the benefits of the amazing products you've chosen showing up on your doorstep each month!

One of our favorite places to start is the Adrenal Love Wellness Box. This collection of products is our favorite for calming and soothing the adrenals so you can decrease the stress on your body to feel your best.


Make a Shift Daily Wellness Kit
This curated collection of favorites has everything you need for a nutrient-dense, antioxidant rich daily pick me up for your mood, your energy, and your adrenals! It comes with NingXia Red, NingXia Nitro, Orange Vitality, and Lime Vitality.
NingXia Red Singles, 30ct: Ningxia Red is a powerful antioxidant supplement drink that nourishes the adrenals and entire endocrine system. Besides its great taste, NingXia Red has some amazing health benefits! It supports energy levels, immune and hormone health, and is the highest known protection against the dangerous superoxide free radicals. NingXia is a daily must!
Ningxia Nitro: Infused with essential oils, botanical extracts, D-ribose, Korean ginseng, and green tea extract, NingXia Nitro supports alertness, as well as cognitive and physical fitness. This little tube of goodness is a wonderful addition to your daily NingXia Red before a workout, to get you through your afternoon slump or anytime you need a boost.

Lime Vitality: Whether you're stirring it into drinks for a bright burst of flavor or giving your food a little extra citrus zip, Lime Vitality is a welcome kick of summer that you can enjoy year-round. But Lime is more than just a fun time! Lime essential oil is unique in that it is 100% bioflavonoid. Not only are bioflavonoids impressive in and of themselves, but they also help maximize the benefits of vitamin C by inhibiting its breakdown in the body. This means that Lime Essential Oil not only supports the immune system, it also stimulates the detox pathways, helping to clear the body of toxins and unwanted waste. Lime is a wellness powerhouse!
Orange Vitality: Versatile and zesty, this oil is a wonderful way to brighten savory dishes and add a refreshing contrast to desserts. Orange Vitality oil also blends beautifully with other fruity flavors, making it a tasty addition to smoothies, juices, and NingXia Red! Orange is high in the compound limonene, so it provides digestive and immune system support to the body -- all while tasting great!

Nutmeg Vitality Essential Oil
If there were one oil you could use to support your adrenal system (the stress system!) it would be Nutmeg. This oil is high in the constituents sabinene, alpha-pinene and beta-pinene, making it a wonderful option to support the digestive system, to protect the liver, to help maintain healthy circulation and to provide the adrenals with the support they need on a daily basis.

En-R-Gee Essential Oil
En-R-Gee essential oil blend is just what it sounds like - a little bit of pep in a bottle! This spicy, herbaceous blend is a combination of Rosemary, Juniper, Lemongrass, Nutmeg, Idaho Grand Fir, Clove, and Black Pepper that is our favorite for an invigorating boost whenever you need it. En-R-Gee essential oil blend will help keep you stimulated, invigorated, and energized!

Mineral Essence
Minerals are an essential component of every part of our health and are lacking in our diet. Our adrenals run off of minerals, so adding them for adrenal support is critical. Mineral Essence provides essential ionic minerals that your body can quickly and fully absorb for their maximum benefit. In addition to adding Mineral Essence to your daily NingXia Red (great for hair growth and overall health in general), you can actually apply this incredible supplement directly to the scalp to promote hair growth and health.

Super B
B vitamins are crucial for our adrenal glands to function properly, so this supplement is a must!! Super B is a comprehensive B vitamin complex containing all eight essential, energy-boosting B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12) as well as Orgen-FA, a natural folate source derived from lemon peels, and methylcobalamin, a more bioavailable source of B12. Combined with Nutmeg essential oil and bioavailable chelated minerals such as magnesium, manganese, selenium, and zinc, Super B helps support energy, health and overall vitality!